They are rich, but they are not dumb: In Houston they like dressing up, big jewels, big houses, big business; and of course, George Bush, fellow Republican, friend and neighbour. But right wing rednecks hijacking the Grand Old Party convention? No sir. Reggie Nadelson reports The Independent, 1992 IN THE …[Read more]
Wednesday, 4 August 1993 'I WANTED proper American country antiques, I didn't like faked-up things then. I still don't,' says Eliza Werner, the laconic proprietor of Sage Street Antiques. Her blue eyes peer out coolly from behind tortoiseshell spectacles at the mob frolicking in her shop this steamy Saturday morning, as …[Read more]
…with blue eyes and garbage skills THE BOYS cruise up and down in their cars here all night. They think if they do it often enough, they'll magically get laid,' says Jack, sitting on the porch of the American Hotel, drinking a kir. It's dusk on Main Street. The hotel is just down the road from the Paradise Grill, where …[Read more]
The Independent, August 1993 THE WORLD is slowly arriving in Sag Harbor,' says Detective Thomas Mackey. Over the weekend, I lost my innocence. And met Detective Mackey, a big handsome cop with a red crewcut - red with a blond glint, more like - some poetic rhetoric and tales to tell about the seamy side of Sag Harbor. On …[Read more]
…Among the dirty linen, a tale unfolds The Independent, August 1993 FOR JANE ZLOBEC, winter was always the most wonderful season in Sag Harbor, and there were snowstorms on her birthday every year. 'I was born on 5 December 1927,' she says. 'I remember drifts 6ft high on Main Street …[Read more]